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Business Meeting

The 1811 Group offers a wide range of consulting services spanning business and political arenas, intelligence collection, judicial and law enforcement matters within federal, state, local and international jurisdictions.


Understanding how law enforcement operates and what parameters they must conduct investigations under is vital when preparing to embark on a course of action.

Our team will advise you on the techniques that federal, state, local, and international law enforcement entities employ to develop and build cases.

Surveillance Techniques

Undercover Operations

Informant Handling

Case Progression

Prosecution Requirements

Evidence Needs

Grand Jury Matters





Law Enforcement Avoidance

Business in today's world is complex and often operates within confusing and vague legal areas.  We can help clear the fog and provide you with methods of operation that will keep you clear of potentially damaging business decisions and law enforcement investigations that may result from uninformed decisions.


Plaintiff and Defendant Strategy 

Our expertise spans federal, state, local and international jurisdictions. If you are facing or expecting legal proceedings, let our team provide you with a skilled and experienced look at what you and your clients maybe be facing; to include strategies to avert failure should the matter proceed to a judicial hearing.

The 1811 Group's team of experts will identify any failures of law enforcement and ensure your defense strategy has the information it needs to ensure fair legal proceedings.

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